Drug Crimes Marijuana. Marijuana use and possession are Drug Crimes and illegal in many different states across the United States, including Pennsylvania. It is a crime to possess both large amounts for the purpose of distribution or small amounts for...
Drug Crimes
Drug Crimes: Drug Delivery resulting in death
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jul 6, 2016 | Drug Crimes
one oof the most serious types of Drug Crimes is the charge of Drug Delivery resulting in death. In order to be convicted of Drug Crimes such as drug delivery resulting in death, the government must meet several burdens. Heroin Under the old...
Defending Drug Crimes
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Nov 12, 2015 | Drug Crimes
One of the primary way too defend against drug charges is to challenge the manner in which law enforcement seized the drugs. This can be done in several different ways. Defending Intent to Deliver cases First, you can challenge the manner and the basis for which...
Pennsylvania Section 17: “Probation Without a Verdict”
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jul 17, 2014 | Drug Crimes
Pennsylvania law provides for a program known as "probation without a verdict" for first time offenders of the Controlled Substance Act. Counties in Pennsylvania, such as Montgomery County, offer this program to first-time offenders charged with a nonviolent...
Police cannot create exigency circumstances under Pennsylvania law
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Apr 28, 2014 | Drug Crimes
Under Pennsylvania law, police officers are required to only conduct searches when they have a valid search warrant. Through case law, the courts have created a very narrow set of exceptions or excuses to the general warrant requirement. One such exception...
Update in Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure and Effects on Drug and DUI Cases
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Feb 26, 2014 | Drug Crimes, DUI
In Pennsylvania, in drug crimes and DUI the Commonwealth was required to call the lab technician to testify to the fact that the item seized or possessed was a controlled substance, and specify the weight of the controlled substance, or testify to the amount of...
Basic Search Warrant Rules in Pennsylvania
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jan 25, 2014 | Drug Crimes
Generally, search warrant issues arise in drug offense crimes. In order for a search warrant to be valid and, thus, the search to also be valid, the police must follow the search warrant rules specified in the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure: A...
Drug Offenses and Penalties under Pennsylvania Law
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Aug 30, 2013 | Drug Crimes
Drug Offenses and Penalties Pennsylvania Controlled Substance, Drug, Device, and Cosmetic Act defines illegal acts associated with drugs and their related penalties. 35 P.S. §§780-101-780-144. The following are examples of common...