In Pennsylvania, if you commit a number of specific crimes you may be subject to a Driver’s License suspension even if you request a Hearing. According to Title 75 section 1532(d) of the PA Crimes Code, the department shall levy a Driver’s License suspension to any person upon receiving a certified record of the driver’s conviction, or admission into a predication program for a violation of the following crimes without a Hearing: Leaving the scene of an accident Misrepresentation of age to secure liquor or malt or brewed beverages; purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor or malt or brewed beverages; carrying a false identification card. If found guilty of one or more of these crimes, you could face license suspension. The duration of the suspension varies and is determined by the number of the offenses you are found guilty of.
For the first offense you are found guilty under this statute, the suspension of your operating privilege will be for a period of 90 days. For a second offense, the department will impose a license suspension for a period of one year. For a third and subsequent offense, your license shall be suspended for a period of two years. If multiple suspensions are imposed, they are to be served consecutively. The court is able to certify the conviction, adjudication of delinquency or admission into the predication program on the same form used to submit the order of suspension required under Title 18 section 6310.4 (restriction of operating privileges) of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code. Vehicular Homicide while DUI Typically, the suspension imposed under this section shall be made concurrent with the suspension imposed under the provisions of Title 18 section 6310.4. If you have been charged with any of the crimes listed previously, it is important to contact a criminal defense attorney. A criminal defense attorney will be able to assess your case and argue for the best possible outcome for your case.