A conviction for Violent Crimes such as Retaliation against a witness or victim can have serious consequences. In order to be convicted of this crime the government must prove the following criminal elements beyond a reasonable doubt: First, that the defendant harms another individual by any unlawful act or engages in a course of conduct which threaten another person. And second, that the defendant commits these actions against the victim in retaliation for anything that the victim has lawfully done as a witness, victim or a party in a civil matter. assault crimes Make sure to contact an experienced Chester County Violent Crimes attorney if you are being investigated for or have been charged with this serious crime.
A conviction for Violent Crimes such as Retaliation against a witness or victim can call for a lengthy prison sentence. This offense is a felony of the third degree and therefore punishable by a maximum of seven years in state prison and a $15,000 fine, if the retaliation against the victim occurred as a result of force, violence or deception, or the threat of force by the accused against the witness or victim. possession of a firearmAdditionally, this same grading and punishment will occur if the accused offers money to the witness or victim or the accused agrees to solicit another person or pays another person to intimidate the witness or victim or the accused has been convicted for committing this crime previously. Just like many criminal statutes, the government must prove that the defendant intended to do one of the above to the witness or victim in order for the accused to be found guilty. A criminal defendant cannot be convicted for this crime if he or she threatened a witness or victim in a case, but was not aware that the victim was a witness or victim.