Occupational Limited Licenses may be obtained in certain cases when you are convicted for a DUI. DUI marijuana If you have had your driver’s license suspended in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a result of a DUI or some other crime, you may still be able to drive under certain conditions thanks to a statute passed that allows the Department of Transportation to issue occupational limited licenses. This type of license allows people who have had their license suspended to drive a non-commercial vehicle to their occupation, work, trade, medical treatment or study. In order to qualify for an occupational limited license, you must first check to see if you meet the standards to apply. Some basic guidelines for who is and is not eligible for this type of license are as follows. If you have had your license revoked, disqualified, or cancelled you are not eligible for an occupational limited license. People are also disqualified from receiving this type of license if they lost it due to any charge relating to DUI. This includes individuals placed on the ARD program due to DUI related charges.
Some other disqualifications for Occupational Limited Licenses and DUI charges include having your license suspended due to fleeing a police officer, racing on a highway, homicide by vehicle, driving without lights, reckless driving, or leaving the scene of an accident to name a few. leaving the scene of an accident People who are eligible to apply for this type of license usually have had it suspended due to minor violations. These include operating a motor vehicle following a suspension of registration, underage drinking citation, and even those who were driving while their license was suspended under section 1543(a). For those who were convicted under section 1543(a) and want to apply for an occupational limited license, it is important to note that before you are eligible, you must serve three months of the suspension and you cannot have any other outstanding vehicle violations. If you have had your license suspended but still need to drive in order to get to your job, you might be eligible for an occupational limited license. For a full list of eligibility criteria and forms to apply for an occupational limited license, go to the Department of Transportation website.