Violent Crimes Making false statement with purchase of a firearm

by | Apr 12, 2019 | Violent Crimes

Although not specifically considered in the violent crimes category, making a false statement with the purchase of a firearm can be very serious. murder In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, like all other states, in order to purchase a firearm a federal background check must be completed to ensure that the buyer is allowed to own and operate a firearm. In addition to the background check, there is also a 48-hour holding period where the buyer of the firearm must wait 48 hours before he can receive their firearm. This is to ensure that the background check is complete. The most common reason for not being able to purchase a firearm would be due to a felony conviction on your criminal record. However, in some cases buyers and sellers will illegally make false statements on their application about certain factors such as misreporting the individual’s past criminal record, in order to ensure that the sale is made.

Making a false statement with the purchase a firearm about violent crimes or any crimes can range in penalties, from misdemeanor to felony level. simple assault If the false statements on the application did not misrepresent, leave out, or lie about the individual’s criminal past, it is a misdemeanor of the second-degree. If, however, the individual did misrepresent, leave out or lie about anything to do with their criminal past it is a felony of the third-degree. It is also important to note that the seller is also liable if they sell a gun to someone who is disqualified from owning or operating a firearm. This statute also includes lying on the application about any past mental health issues such as being involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility. If false statements are made on the application about past mental health issues, it is also a felony of the third-degree. Due to the seriousness of the crime, if you have been charged with making false statements on the application to purchase a firearm, it is important to have legal representation. The attorneys at the Bellwoar Kelly, LLPare experienced attorneys who will fight to get the best outcome given the facts of your particular case.

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