Violent Crimes can encompass crimes such as simple assault mutual combat and aggravated assault. While it is not necessarily a justification for a crime, the idea that the assault took place due to a fight where both parties are actively involved can knock a simple assault charge down from a misdemeanor of the second degree to a misdemeanor of the third degree. Murder This idea is referred to as the mutual consent provision of the simple assault statute. Simple assault is defined under section 2701 of the Pa criminal code. It states that an individual is guilty of the offense of simple assault when they cause a bodily injury to another individual. Simple assault can assault be applied to the situation if and individual negligently causes injury to someone else if it is done with a deadly weapon. As mentioned previously simple assault is a misdemeanor of the second degree which means that if found guilty of the assault, a sentence of up to two years incarcerated may be imposed.
However in the case of violent crimes such as simple assault mutual combat, if it can be shown that the assault took place while the two parties involved both consented to mutual combat or, in regular terms, a fight, then it is knocked down to a misdemeanor of the third degree which can lead to a sentence of up to one year incarcerated. protection of other people In order to prove that the fight was mutual there are certain factors that would be important in making that case. Certainly, if the fight was recorded and in the video you can see that it was a fight and not just one person assaulting another, that would go a long way in knocking it down a grade. Other ways to show it was a fight would include statements from witnesses about the events leading up to the fight to show that both parties involved were there to fight. Or another would be to show that both parties had some type of injury that would result from a fight. If you have been in a fight and are charged with simple assault it is important to seek legal representation in order to get the best possible outcome for your case. The attorneys at The Bellwoar Kelly, LLPare experienced attorneys who will help you with your legal needs.