If an individual is charged with criminal activity, there may be some clear penalties. For example, many people will face severe fines and jail time. Fines can exceed thousands of dollars and incarceration can go on for decades depending on the severity of the crime. These punishments can be worse if an individual has a prior criminal history.
However, there may be some consequences of criminal charges that are not immediately apparent. Here is what could happen:
There are a few factors that can increase a person’s job opportunities, such as higher education and long-term experience. However, a criminal history could negatively impact an individual’s job opportunities. Depending on the charge, an individual may also be excluded from some professions.
Higher education can broaden people’s opportunities in life. However, a criminal charge could impact an individual’s eligibility for college or grad school. Furthermore, individuals with criminal charges may have fewer loan options. Applying for college housing can also be difficult for people with criminal charges.
A background check is often necessary when applying for housing. Landlords may consider a person’s criminal history as a risk to other tenants. Furthermore, mortgage loans may also be difficult to apply for with a criminal conviction. Some criminal charges may also make it harder for people to apply for housing in certain areas.
Child custody
Courts consider the well-being of children when deciding custody. A criminal conviction may impact a parent’s ability to show they have their best interest in mind for their children.
A criminal conviction can carry life-long consequences. Charges can be reduced or dismissed by having a strong legal defense.