There are many different sex crimes that an individual can be charged with in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Sex Crime Lawyers These charges range from felonies of the first degree which are punishable by up to 20 years in state prison to Misdemeanors of the second degree which are punishable up to 2 years in state prison. One particular sex crime which occurs more than you would think in Pennsylvania Indecent Exposure sex crimes charge. If you are being investigated for a sex crime such as Indecent Exposure, make sure to contact an experienced Chester County Indecent Exposure lawyer immediately to assist you with your Indecent Exposure Sex Crimes charge.
In order for an individual to be convicted of Indecent Exposure, the government must prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:
First, the government must prove that the accused exposed his genitals.
Second, the government must prove that the accused exposed his genitals in a public place or in a place where people were present and these people would likely be offended by the accused’s conduct.
Frequently in Indecent Exposure cases, the bone of contention between the government and the accused is whether the government can prove that the accused exposed his genitals. Falsely accused of a Sex Crime Just because an individual claims to have seen an accused genitals does not mean that the accused actually took out his genitals and showed them to another person. Cases such as this bring into question various forms of eyewitness testimony and weighing whether or not an alleged eye witness actually saw what he is claiming to have seen. Issues such as lack of lighting, distance and timing all play a role in assessing whether or not an alleged eye witness actually saw what he or she believes that he saw. If you have been accused or are being investigated for the crime of Indecent Exposure, make sure to discuss your case with an experienced Indecent Exposure Attorney.