Chester County Recovery Court

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2017 | Chester County Recovery Court

Chester County Recovery Court is an excellent program which offers and accused the chance to drastically reduce their sentence if the agree to enter in the Chester County Recovery Court Program. The Chester County Recovery Court program permits individuals accused of certain crimes who are also suffering from either drug addiction or alcohol addiction the opportunity to become involved in the Chester County Recovery Court program. ARD program Individuals accepted into the program have the opportunity to have their sentences reduced by nearly 75% so long as they abide by the rules of the program.

Individuals are admitted in the Chester County Recovery Court program for a number of different criminal charges. One of the main charges is a third offense dui. (A third dui charge within 10 years.) Typically an individual charged with a third offense dui must serve a minimum of one year in prison at a state prison. However, if an accused is accepted into the recovery court program then he only has to serve 90 days incarceration and be placed on electronic home monitoring for 270 days. Another example of a charge that defendants are frequently accepted onto recovery court for is the charge of the intent to deliver or the delivery of drugs to another person. Just as in third offense dui charges, an accused for this crime would serve significantly less time in prison as a result of the recovery court program.

The Chester County Recovery Court DUI second offense Program is closely related to the Chester County Drug Court Program. The major difference between the two programs is that the Chester County Drug Court Program allows defendants to have all of their charges withdrawn at the conclusion of the program. This enables individuals placed of the Drug Court Program to have their records expunged whereas individuals placed on the Recovery Court Program do not have that option.

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