Violent Crimes Recklessly endangering another person or REAP is a charge a prosecutor may bring against an individual that encompasses a whole host of different behaviors. It is defined under section 2705 of the Pa criminal code. gun crimes The statute is very broadly written stating that an individual is in violation of this statute if they recklessly engage in conduct which places or may place another person in danger of death or serious bodily injury. Reckless conduct goes beyond simply being negligent. An individual must have known that the conducted that they were engaging in posed a risk of serious bodily injury or death but they did it anyway. The courts use the reasonable person standard when deciding if it constitutes reckless. In other words, would someone in that same situation know that the behavior posed a risk of serious bodily injury or death.
It is often the case that a Violent Crimes charge of REAP is added on to the list of various other crimes stemming from one incident. terroristic threats For instance, a REAP charge can stem from a DUI incident in which a passenger was present at the time, or if an individual fires a weapon indiscriminately. It is important to note that in the situations mentioned, no serious bodily injury or death actually needs to take place. You can still be charged with REAP, even though no one was hurt or died because the only thing the prosecution needs to show, is that you intended to engage in that behavior. REAP is a misdemeanor of the second degree. With a conviction, you face a jail sentence of up to 2 years and a fine of up to $5000. Due to the seriousness of the penalties of being convicted of REAP, it is important to have good legal representation in order to help you sift through the circumstances surrounding your case and build a solid defense plan. The attorneys at the Bellwoar Kelly, LLPare experienced attorneys who will help you get the best possible outcome given the facts of your case.