Defending Against Pennsylvania Weapons And Firearms Charges
In Pennsylvania, a firearms conviction can get you locked up for years. In many cases, illegal possession of a firearm is charged as a stand-alone crime, while in other cases, a gun charge accompanies a drug crime or a violent offense.
Regardless of what your case looks like, you need proper legal representation if you have been accused of a weapons violation. If you or a loved one is facing a gun crimes charge, our firm’s attorneys can help you determine the best course of action.
Strong, Strategic Defense Representation In Firearms Cases
At Bellwoar Kelly, LLP, we provide strong, strategic defense representation in weapons cases in state court and, in rare cases, in federal court. We can assist you if your criminal case involves:
- Possession of a firearm without a license, which is a third-degree felony
- A crime involving a loaded gun — a crime has a higher grading if there is a bullet in the chamber of a confiscated weapon
- A charge related to a crime of violence such as robbery
- An assault involving the presence of a gun or a shooting, which can bring a five- to 10-year sentence
- Possession of a gun during a drug transaction
In many cases, a successful defense will involve arguing that a search and seizure of a gun was illegal.
Every case is different. Make sure you have the help of a lawyer if you or a family member has been charged.
Contact An Experienced West Chester Lawyer For Weapons Charges
Contact Bellwoar Kelly, LLP for a free, confidential consultation about any weapons matter. We can answer your questions. Se habla español.