Summer is already in full swing, and schools have mostly ended their sessions – and that leaves a lot of teenagers with extra time on their hands. Some of them are bound to let youthful exuberance (or foolishness) get out of hand. Unfortunately, when teens act up or...
Juvenile Crimes
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Using another person’s urine in a drug test – is it a crime?
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Nov 3, 2023 | Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Juvenile Crimes
There are various reasons for a drug test. Maybe an employer wants to ensure that prospective new hires are free from the influence of illegal substances. Or a sports organization wants to test if student-athletes aren’t taking any performance-enhancing or...
Charged with underage drinking or DUI in Pennsylvania?
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jul 22, 2019 | Juvenile Crimes
Reasonable people disagree over whether the minimum drinking age is the best way to handle drinking among young people. Many people argue that parents, not the government, should decide when it's appropriate for young people to drink. Others believe that safe,...