Trees line the streets of West Chester, providing a picturesque setting, cool shade and environmental benefits. Yet, they pose a hidden danger. These towering natural beauties can come crashing down, snap in half or drop limbs without warning. Falling tree accidents...
Personal Injury
How can parents prevent the dangers of “infant sleep machines”?
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Dec 11, 2023 | Personal Injury
Putting the baby to sleep tends to be a parent’s nightmare. Worse, an uncomfortable infant can wail for prolonged hours. Understandably, parents often turn to alternative measures for more rest and less tears. An infant sleep machine (ISM), also known as white noise,...
How does a personal injury attorney get paid?
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Dec 2, 2023 | Personal Injury
Suffering any kind of personal injury due to another party’s negligence, recklessness or intentional actions can be deeply traumatizing – and dealing with the other party’s insurance company as you try to get fair compensation doesn’t make anything easier. You know...
5 common causes of truck accidents
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Oct 5, 2023 | Personal Injury
A significant percentage of truck accidents lead to serious injuries and fatalities because of the size and weight of trucks. 5,700 trucks were involved in fatal crashes in 2021 in the U.S. Below are five factors that may have contributed to these accidents: 1....
Understanding an insurance adjuster’s role in car crash claims
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Oct 3, 2023 | Personal Injury
A car accident is traumatic enough. Unfortunately, the pursuit of justice that follows can be as dreadful. However, victims determined to file a claim can make the process less stressful by learning how to deal with an insurance adjuster. An insurance adjuster works...
5 products that may be harmful to a newborn
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Sep 1, 2023 | Personal Injury
Parents often splurge on gear or toys to celebrate the milestone of having a new baby. Unfortunately, not everything available in the market goes through mandatory safety testing. While manufacturers have a duty of care to their consumers to sell safe products, some...
The dangers of home delivery for consumer goods
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Aug 29, 2023 | Personal Injury
You’ve probably noticed that there are far more delivery vans driving around your neighborhood than a decade ago. The appetite for home delivery has grown massively and with it has come a lot more traffic. Instead of a few trucks supplying the neighborhood stores, you...
Why eating while driving is such a dangerous form of distraction
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Aug 18, 2023 | Personal Injury
Many adults pride themselves on their productivity, which means that they tend to want to accomplish as much as possible on any given day. Multitasking or working toward more than one objective simultaneously can feel like a powerful way to increase one's...
4 of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jul 17, 2023 | Personal Injury
The size of the vehicles involved in a collision often directly influences the severity of any particular crash. Bigger vehicles tend to cause far more damage, especially when they collide with smaller vehicles. Crashes between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks...
Dangerous driving distractions and why your focus matters
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jul 11, 2023 | Personal Injury
Driving entails razor-sharp focus. After all, you endanger not just yourself but also your passengers, other drivers and their passengers, pedestrians and other road users. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 3,522 fatalities...
Can you get injured in public swimming pools?
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | May 11, 2023 | Personal Injury
With summer just around the corner, many plan to spend a weekend at Philadelphia’s public swimming pools or water parks to beat the heat. But while taking a dip may sound like a refreshing idea, it’s important to remember that even swimming pools open to the public...
Who is liable for a defective medical device?
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | May 3, 2023 | Personal Injury
Patients trust medical devices, expecting them to improve their health or quality of life. Medical technology is usually beneficial, but if patients receive a defective device, their health and well-being may be at risk. However, proving why the device did not work...
Reasons to seek medical attention after a car accident
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Mar 10, 2023 | Personal Injury
If you get involved in a car accident, it’s quite important to seek medical attention. In many cases, this is clear at the scene. You may have suffered serious injuries that the EMTs are going to treat as they transport you to the hospital. But the problem is that...
Types of compensation to consider after an accident
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jan 9, 2023 | Personal Injury
Getting involved in a car accident can create a lot of different financial issues, which can be especially frustrating when you didn’t cause the accident. You were driving carefully, but someone else was being negligent or even reckless. They made a mistake and...
When consumer products cause physical harm
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jan 2, 2023 | Personal Injury
Take a moment to consider all of the items that you purchase over the course of a year. From food to children’s toys, tires for your car to soap, you almost certainly buy a wide range of products manufactured under a variety of different conditions. Although consumer...