No matter what kind of criminal charge you are facing – whether it’s something as ordinary as a drunk driving charge or something even more serious, like a crime of violence, you are automatically considered innocent until proven guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.”...
Remembering an exceptional attorney and friend
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Mar 26, 2020 | Accomplice
Dedication, loyalty and reliable guidance are tremendous traits in both a friend and an attorney. Mark Conte was both. It is always a tragic experience to outlive a loved one, but that does not mean you should dwell in the cost of your loss. Instead, celebrating the...
Accomplice liability
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jan 16, 2018 | Accomplice
One legal term that not many people are familiar with is the phrase accomplice liability. Accomplice liability stands for the legal proposition that someone can be found guilty (criminally liable) for the acts of another person if they aided that person in the...
Accomplice liability. Am I an accomplice to a crime?
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Dec 26, 2015 | Accomplice
The term accomplice liability is bantered about in many circles, but very few people take the time look up what an accomplice is under Pennsylvania law. Under Pennsylvania law, an accomplice is defined as a person who is liable for not only the crimes that he has...