Despite the buzz around marijuana’s legalization and medical use across America, Pennsylvania remains one of several U.S. states that still has sanctions over the use of the substance. With more states approving the recreational use of cannabis, where does the...
Drug Crimes
Factors that can make penalties for drug crimes more severe
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Nov 24, 2021 | Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Drug Crimes, Drug Violations
If you find yourself facing the prospect of criminal charges for drug possession, you might not know what to expect. While there is no way to predict exactly how your trial might go, you can get an idea of the types of penalties that the prosecution might seek...
Can your roommate show the police your drug stash?
| Jun 21, 2021 | Drug Crimes
You and your roommate aren’t exactly friends -- but you generally operate on a “live and let live” basis. You were shocked and dismayed, then, when your roommate sold you out to the police over the occasional drug sale you made to your friends. Worse, when the police...
Man arrested in Franklin County drug raid
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Sep 14, 2020 | Drug Charges, Drug Crimes, Drug Violations
On Aug. 6, Pennsylvania authorities arrested a New York man during a drug raid at a Franklin County home. The incident took place just after 9 p.m. Cocaine found when police search residence According to court documents, Pennsylvania State Police troopers executed a...
2 doctors charged with writing illegal opioid prescriptions
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Mar 25, 2020 | Drug Crimes
On March 10, Pennsylvania authorities announced the indictment of two doctors who allegedly ran a "massive" illicit prescription pill ring in Montgomery County. The charges are the culmination of a two-year investigation conducted by multiple law enforcement agencies....
Drug Crimes Possession of a Controlled Substance
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Feb 7, 2019 | Drug Crimes
One of the most frequent Drug Crimes charges that make their way through the courts involve the charge of possession of a controlled substance. heroin Simple possession is a step below the charge of possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver...
Drug Crimes on College Campuses
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Sep 8, 2018 | Drug Crimes
Drug Crimes, or crimes involving the use or sale of drugs do occur on college campuses. In Pennsylvania, some of the most common drugs to be found on college campuses are alcohol, marijuana, and Adderall, and other stimulant medications. heroine Underage drinking...
Drug Crimes probable cause to stop a vehicle
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | May 16, 2018 | Drug Crimes
One of the primary defenses raised in Drug Crimes cases is to argue that the police did not have probable cause to stop a vehicle and later search the car for drugs. Intent to Deliver charges Typically, the police claim that they stopped a vehicle because the...
Drug Crimes Entrapment
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Apr 22, 2018 | Drug Crimes
One issue that seems to arise in Drug Crimes cases is the issue of Entrapment. Frequently, criminal defendants facing Drug Crimes charges will feel as though the police officers or state troopers entrapped them into committing the crime. Under Pennsylvania law...
Bringing drugs into jail Drug Crimes
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jan 29, 2018 | Drug Crimes
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has very harsh Drug Crimes penalties for individuals that bring drugs into jail. The statute criminalizing these activities can be found in Title 18 section 5123 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code. Specifically, the statute which is...
Drug Crimes and controlled Buys
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Dec 19, 2017 | Drug Crimes
One term that comes up frequently in the realm of Drug Crimes and criminal defense is the term Controlled Buys. intent to deliver narcotics Controlled Buys are the process by which law enforcement uses a confidential informant or an undercover officer to purchase...
Drug Crimes Dealing in Proceeds of Unlawful Activities
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Dec 13, 2017 | Drug Crimes
One of the more serious Drug Crimes that a criminal defendant can face is the criminal charge of Dealing in Proceeds of Unlawful Activities. This crime is one of the most serious Drug Crimes and graded as a felony of the first degree and therefore punishable by up to...
Drug Crimes Communication facility
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | Jun 13, 2017 | Drug Crimes
Title 18 Section 7512 in the Pennsylvania Crimes Code addresses Drug Crimes and specifically the criminal use of a communication facility. A communication facility is defined as any public or private instrument such as a phone, radio, wire, mail, or any...
Drug Crimes Marijuana Grow House
by Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | May 29, 2017 | Drug Crimes
You don't read much about Marijuana Grow House's as Drug Crimes in Pennsylvania it seems, as a result of the discussions surrounding the impending legalization of marijuana. Marijuana Grow House's generally refer to homes which are in existence for the sole purpose of...
Drug Crimes and Recovery
On Behalf of Bellwoar Kelly, LLP | May 25, 2017 | Drug Crimes
One of the biggest issues in Criminal Defense are Drug Crimes and Recovery. Frequently, there are two different types of criminal defendants charged with Drug Crimes: those that are in the business of dealing drugs and do not use them and those that are addicted to...