Drug Convictions Carry Harsh Ramifications For Students
The penalties for drug crimes are often more significant than serving a sentence or paying fines. For students, the long-term consequences can be especially damaging, impacting your educational opportunities, job prospects, reputation and more.
If you or your child has been charged with a drug crime, let the attorneys at the Bellwoar Kelly, LLP help you fight the charge. With offices in West Chester and Pottstown, we serve clients throughout southeastern Pennsylvania.
More And More Students Are Getting Arrested
With increased drug use on college campuses and in high schools, convictions for student drug crimes continue to rise. Depending on the substance, the amount and any prior drug convictions, possession of drugs can result in misdemeanor or felony charges.
Our lawyers have experience defending students against drug charges for a range of substances including:
- Fentanyl
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamines
- Illegally obtained prescription drugs, including Ritalin, Percocet, OxyContin and Xanax
From Possession To Delivery
Aside from possession of drugs or paraphernalia, students can also be charged with intent to deliver. Possession with intent to deliver (PWID) is a felony level offense. The delivery does not need to involve selling the substance, rather it is the transfer of the drug from one person to another. The intent to deliver can also be assumed from a large quantity of drugs.
Lasting Consequences
A drug conviction can make it difficult for you to gain admission to college or graduate school. It can also make you ineligible for federal student aid, scholarships and grants and student housing. For recent graduates, a drug conviction can prevent you from obtaining a professional license or a job.
Whether you are a parent seeking information about how to help your child, or a student facing a drug conviction, we can help. Even in the toughest of cases, we can help you pursue a better outcome, exploring every avenue to lessen the penalties and limit the impact on your future.
To learn more about your legal options during a free consultation, please call our office at 610-314-7066.