Computer Sex Crimes, Including Possessing Pornography Involving Minors
Pennsylvania law punishes the voluntary viewing or possession of child pornography within an individual’s own home or another setting within the defendant’s control. Charges involving child pornography are extraordinarily serious. Every piece of child pornography found to be in the possession of a defendant is punishable by up to seven years in state prison. If this is a second or subsequent offense, then every piece of child pornography is punishable by up to 10 years in state prison.
Hire An Experienced Lawyer For Serious Criminal Charges
For the government to be successful in a child pornography case, it must prove several elements:
First, the prosecutor must show that the defendant kept a pornographic book, magazine, pamphlet, slide, photograph, film, videotape, computer depiction or other material depicting a child under the age of 18 engaging in a sexual act or simulating a sex act.
Second, the prosecutor must also prove that the defendant intentionally viewed this child pornography or knowingly kept child pornography.
Are You Being Investigated For A Sex Crime?
If you believe that you are being investigated for a sex crime, make sure that you hire an aggressive criminal sex crime attorney to represent you. As a former assistant district attorney, Evan Kelly knows what the government has to prove to win its case. Hire an experienced Chester County criminal sex lawyer to see if you have a defensible case.
Child Pornography In The Age Of The Internet
Many things have changed with the advent of the internet in regard to child pornography charges. Today, unwitting individuals who click on the wrong tab while on the internet can pave the way to the unknowing downloading of illegal child pornography. It is important to understand that Pennsylvania law punishes only the intentional viewing of child pornography. Unwittingly downloading or viewing child pornography is not a crime in Pennsylvania.