Understanding The Charge Of Statutory Rape
A person commits a felony of the first degree when that person engages in sexual intercourse with a complainant under the age of 16 years, and that person is 11 or more years older than the complainant, and the complainant and the person are not married to each other.
If you have been charged with a sexual offense, you will also be fighting Megan’s Law, which requires a person to register on Pennsylvania’s sex offender registry.
Former Sex Crimes Prosecutors • Free Consultation • Call 24/7
From offices in West Chester, our lawyers represent clients in criminal justice matters in Chester County and Delaware County, as well as state and federal court jurisdictions throughout the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Contact our offices by email to arrange an initial consultation with an experienced West Chester Internet sex crimes attorney anytime, day or night.
Have You Been Charged With A Sex Crime?
If you have been charged with a sex crime, DO NOT answer any questions or allow the police or investigators to search your property without a specific warrant. As soon as possible, get an experienced attorney from Bellwoar Kelly, LLP on your side. We will begin protecting your rights immediately.
At Bellwoar Kelly, LLP, we represent people charged with sex offenses, including offenses against children that carry Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law penalties. Megan’s Law makes it mandatory for certain sex offenders to register their name and address for a period of 10 years at a minimum.
As a former criminal prosecutor, attorney Evan Kelly understands the common tactics of criminal prosecution. He can meet those tactics head-on and devise a successful strategy.
Call 610-314-7066 to make an appointment with one of our attorneys at Bellwoar Kelly, LLP.