Strong Defense Against Charges For Teen Sexting Offenses
The Pennsylvania Legislature passed a law in 2012 to specifically address the issue of texting, emailing or otherwise electronically transmitting nude or pornographic images by teenagers. The law makes it illegal for a person between the ages of 12 and 18 to send nude photos of himself or herself. It is also a crime to possess such a communication, even if the recipient did not request it.
The crime of teen sexting is a serious offense, but is distinctly separate from the Pennsylvania child pornography statute. Depending on the circumstances, however, it is possible for teen sexting to be considered child pornography. If your child is facing charges for sending or receiving nude images under the teen sexting statute, it is important that you seek the advice of a reliable criminal defense lawyer immediately.
Don’t Let A Mistake Destroy Your Child’s Future
A conviction for teen sexting can result in fines and jail time. Distributing a sext with an image of another person who is over the age of 12 but under 18 is a misdemeanor offense that calls for larger fines and a longer jail term. When sexts are used to harass another person, typically the person depicted in the photo, it is a more serious misdemeanor offense that results in even more severe penalties.
At Bellwoar Kelly, LLP in West Chester, Pennsylvania, our juvenile crimes defense attorneys defend children in a wide variety of cases involving teen sexting and violations of the unlawful dissemination of intimate images statute. We will aggressively defend your child’s rights and work hard to avoid a conviction in the matter. We have extensive experience in Pennsylvania juvenile court, and we are committed to obtaining the best possible outcome for your child.
Discuss Your Child’s Teen Sexting Defense Needs With A Lawyer
Many young people are not aware that sexting is a crime. You can rely on us to present the most compelling possible defense in an effort to avoid a conviction and keep your child’s record clean. Please contact us to schedule a free initial consultation. You can reach our teen sexting offense attorneys by phone at 610-314-7066 or via email to arrange an appointment.